Payment Plugins fusion January 7, 2023

Payment Plugins

Payment Solutions for Acumatica that include Plugins for some of the most popular payment gateways, as well as secure vendor payment processing solutions.


Pay with Extend is a specialized integration that enables the generation of virtual credit cards that are linked to the company’s corporate card, which is used to cover business expenditures. The feature of generating a unique virtual credit card for each transaction helps in processing a secure payment to your vendors while safeguarding the confidentiality of your actual credit card information. With Pay with Extend, businesses gain improved oversight, management of vendor payments, and overall business expenses. Additionally, authorized Acumatica users can use the corporate card to authorize payments, granting them enhanced control over the payment process.

Our Braintree plugin for Acumatica is an officially certified integration that seamlessly connects with the widely used Braintree Payment Gateway, adhering to Acumatica’s payment plugin framework. By incorporating this solution, you can harness the advanced capabilities of Braintree’s cutting-edge payment technology and flexible solutions within Acumatica which empowers you to broaden your business horizons by offering a range of payment options to your customers. Furthermore, it allows for effortless integration of your payment transactions, providing a clear and comprehensive view of the transaction lifecycle through the utilization of advanced reporting tools.


PayPal Invoicing integration allows you to accept payments through conventional credit cards or provide an additional sales boost by offering PayPal and PayPal Credit as payment options within Acumatica. With this integration, you can conveniently request payments from customers by sending them payment links via email directly from the Sales Order or Invoice screen in Acumatica. This helps in streamlining the payment process, providing a seamless experience for both you and your customers.




The Acumatica plugin for PayPal Payflow Pro is an approved integration that seamlessly connects with PayPal’s payment gateway solution, Payflow Pro. The range of features and benefits are tailored to Acumatica merchants providing customizable fraud protection services and ensuring secure business transactions. It includes Buyer Authentication capabilities, enhancing security measuring competitive rates, making it a favored choice among Acumatica merchants. Similar to other gateway services, Payflow Pro supports all major credit and debit cards, providing flexibility in payment options for customers.